My Little Man is Turning 1

In the Korean Culture, turning one is a huge deal. I think it goes back to war times where if babies make it to their 1st birthday it was considered a big thing as many did not. So to celebrate this, we hold what is called a Dohl, or Dol. If you have never been to one or have seen one… the only way to explain it is, it’s basically a wedding. For my first son’s 1st birthday, we rented out a gym and had decorations, a sweet table, mounds of sushi and Korean rice cakes. We had flowers and favors and table chair covers. It was big and he got so many presents that we still have some in the basement that have not been opened!

So here is some pictures of the big event!






I can’t wait until we Celebrate Kaeden on his First Birthday!!!

Stay tuned…