Featured Photographer – Angela Cheung Photography


Time for another photographer to be featured! I met Angela a little while ago when she came to my humble shop. Right away I liked her, she was happy and I knew she was a lovely person inside and out. Then she sent me some photos that she had taken with a few props and I loved them! There is something almost angelic about her photography. Her work is simple but so profound and speaks to me. I was looking over the pictures she had sent to me for this feature and they reminded me of paintings, perfect moments in time. She is located in Calgary so if you ever need a family photographer, she is the go to gal!



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First off, tell me a bit about yourself:

My name is Angela Cheung and I am a professional photographer from Calgary, Alberta – born and raised!! I’m currently 32 years old,  wife of 6 years to a wonderful man, and a mother to an amazing daughter who’s four!   I graduated from the University of Calgary in 2004 with a Bachelor of Arts Degree.

What got you interested in Photography?

I’ve loved photography for as long as I can remember.  My dad used to buy me rolls of film as gifts and let me go crazy on his Nikon 35mm.  That pure joy of capturing life’s moments still runs through my soul today.  Although my formal training was to be a lawyer or a teacher– deep down I knew I was cut out to do something a lot more creative with my life.  It wasn’t until I started planning my own wedding and looking for photographers that made me realize photography could be more than just a hobby.  I started out photographing friends and family for the first 2 years and by  2010, I opened my business. 

How long have you been in the business of photography?

3 years.


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What is your Photography style?

This question is always a tough one for me!  I’m not sure if I fit quite into a particular photography style, but I’d like to say that my work tends to have more of a soft / romantic look yet still giving it some refinement and edginess.  I love shooting in natural light which definitely helps achieve that style. 

Where do you draw your inspiration from?

For me, fashion is as much a passion as photography is – so naturally, my inspiration and styling comes a lot from fashion photography.  I find both fashion and photography are creative outlets for me and they work together hand in hand.  I hope my images are a reflection of that! It excites me when I see editorials and stylized shoots – they can really showcase a photographer’s creativity and boundaries!

What genre of photography do you dislike the most and why?

I personally don’t have any genre dislikes – but I’m probably not the best at nature / landscape photography!  I’m definitely more of a people-person and I think that the interaction and connections I have with my clients are the triggers to my creativity! 

Do you use props in your photo shoots and if so what is your favorite prop to use?

I really depends on the shoot I’m doing.  I tend to work with props for newborn sessions.  Otherwise, I will use props for stylized shoots or editorials ( ie. Engagements or Boudoir ) – and they can be important in help creating the look and feel you’re after.



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Which photographer do you look up to and why?

OH! So tough!!  I really can’t just name one – I look up to so many different photographers!  I follow the works of many wedding photographers, fashion photographers, boudoir photographers – it’s honestly really hard to narrow it down!  But if I were to pick two of my top pics – I’d have to say: 1. the amazing Dave + Quin Cheung of DQ Studios of Calgary, who I had the honor of hiring for my wedding and 2. the uber stylish Ellen Ho of Hong Photography in Vancouver, who I had the honor of hiring for my family portraits.  

Where are you located?

In SW Calgary.

Do you have another job other then photography, if so what do you do?

Nope, I’m a full time mommy + full time photographer!






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